
Greasemonkey And Dojo Integration Redux

Back in 2007 I wrote a post on how to integrate Dojo with Greasemonkey.

Since then, Greasemonkey has been re-written to include security and bug fixes which has broken my demo code. The problem is that the new security model doesn’t return an instance to the newly created dijit.Dialog when the constructor is called. The work-around is to set the ID of the dialog, and then call dijit.byId() to get a handle to it.

Adblock Plus, Greasemonkey For Firefox 3 Beta 5

I love Adblock Plus – I refuse to use the internet without it. I also quite enjoy Greasemonkey. Unfortunately, neither is yet compatible with the new Firefox 3b5. I got tired of waiting so I took measures into my own hands.

Cookie Injection Using Greasemonkey

There are several Firefox plugins which allow the user to manipulate their browser cookies. However, most of these plugins force the user to manipulate cookies individually. This can become tedious if the user is simply “importing” cookies from, say, a wireshark dump.

The CookieInjector userscript simplifies this process, by allowing the user to copy-paste the cookie portion of the dump and have the cookies from the dump automatically created on the currently viewed web page.

Greasemonkey And Dojo Integration

Dojo ( is a wonderful javascript toolkit which just reached version 1.0 at the beginning of November. I have been watching and developing with Dojo for a couple years now and I can’t tell you how excited I am to have passed the version 1 milestone

Greasemonkey ( is a handy Firefox extension which allows the injection of javascript (called userscripts) into the webpage currently being viewed. This allows for the customization of the look and feel of a website: improving the user interface or adding additional functionality.

In this example, we are going to use greasemonkey and Dojo to display a dialog widget on an arbitrary website.