ESXi 5.0 JMicron ATA Driver for non AHCI mode

I just upgraded to ESXi 5, however there was no support for the JMicron ATA Controller on my EP45-UD3L board.

I updated danisoto’s driver to be ESXi 5 compatible with the help of the pata_jmicron linux source.

Driver VIB can be downloaded from here: pata-jmicron-0.1.5.x86_64.vib. Use ESXi-Customizer to integrate it with an install ISO.

Vib can be installed into a running instance like so:

#set acceptance to community support if not already selected
esxcli software acceptance set --level=CommunitySupported
esxcli software vib install -v

Note that I could not get the package to work with an existing instance and had to do a “fresh” install of ESXi (rather than installing the package or an in-place upgrade).

Source is on GitHub: (with build instructions)