Automatically Require Dijit Widgets

Recently I have been playing with the dojox.dtl: the javascript port of the Django templating engine. So far I am quite impressed, not only is it fast and full featured, but by writing a wrapper class it is easy to make it behave like server side templating systems: you specify a template and pass it an object and it will render that object according to the template rules.

The only trouble I ran into was when I wanted to used Dijit Widgets in my templates. Since on my main page I didn’t know what template I would be calling, I didn’t know which Widget classes to include with dojo.require(). To fix this, I have come up with a little hack that does the job, although not too elegantly.

Bascially my approach includes hooking into dojo.parser and changing its behaviour. Now when it is parsing widgets from the page it checks to see if they exist and, if not, it does the appropriate dojo.require() to try to pull them in.

var fn = dojo.parser.instantiate;
dojo.parser.instantiate = function(nodes){
    dojo.forEach(nodes, function(node){
        var className = node.getAttribute(dojo._scopeName + "Type")
            //It is not an object... yet
    return fn(nodes);

The above code-block shows the implimentation. Simply place this in between comments powered by Disqus