
Circumvent Wikipedia’s Blackout with Firefox and NoScript

Today the English version of Wikipedia is blacked out to protest the SOPA legislation that is on the books in the United States. Sources say that people wishing to access Wikipedia can still do so using the mobile version of the site; however, this is unnecessary as they are using simple Javascript to overlay the site content with the “Blacked Out” message.

Remote Debugging With Firebug and Cometd

While experimenting with mobile development on the Blackberry Webworks Platform I found that it was extremely difficult to get any debugging information out of the device simulator to help debug javascript errors.

Fix Ubuntu Kismet Child Source Error

This weekend I was having problems with my wireless connection dropping ping packets and being generally unreliable. I decided to switch the channel that it was running on, but first I had to check to see which channel had the least amount of traffic on it.